For those of you who want to get hooked like crack join in the fun, I've written How To Make a Sheep and posted it on the Electric Sheep wiki.
I generally name my sheep. There's no real reason for it, other than I enjoy it, and it's much easier to remember which sheep is Rose
than which one is old1986xApo93175-1-12-3
, which is something of the naming system I use internally, to keep track of how a particular sheep was made.
Spun Glass
When this one was rendered, I missed downloading it. For a year or so I just didn't have a copy of the sheep. Then, out of the blue sky, someone emailed me and said Here's your missing sheep. Isn't the internet cool? Not to mention people that take the time and trouble to email someone over a lost sheep.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Come on in.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Elder Footprints
Look in the lower left corner. See the thing that looks kind of like a bear's footprint, except with far too many toes? This is the basic unit of this fractal, repeated in many dimensions.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Lightning Prism
Electric blue usually means a medium-tone, slightly greenish-blue. Real electric arcs, though, are almost white. I've seen lightning about this color, but without the rainbows. A prism would do the rest.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 100003 (no mpeg)
Christmas Through Glass
You can read many layers into this title. When I was young I liked catching the refraction of the lights of the Christmas tree through the glass ornaments. Alternatively, imagine what the department store window Christmas displays look like to someone who sleeps on the street.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Einstein's Celestial Oragami
Here, the layers visible in the other siblings fold in on themselves, and the patterns pressed two-dimensionally upon them orbit around one another like galaxies meeting in the eons. Only faster. Oddly, this one has reproduced more than any other of my sheep, despite having a peak rating of only 12.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Children: 100169, 100069, and 100068, 100084, 99550, 99556 (not shown)

Sattva is a Hindu word that means both existance and pure . I went looking for solar symbols and found Sattva instead.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Photosynthesis is the process of converting light into energy. It looks nothing like this.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 99838
Twilight Behind the Day
This one emphasizes the layers of these fractal siblings. The front layers are colored with a rainbow palette shifted towards yellows, the back layers are a rainbow shifted to blue.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Dinosaur Feathers
There is evidence that the relatives of the Tyrannosaurs were the ones that eventually evolved into birds. Tyrannosaurs probably did not have many feathers as adults (compare to the giants among today's mammals: hippos, rhinos, etc., which have also lost their hair) but that the babies may well have been covered in down, and certainly many of the relatives of the Tyrannosaurids did. It makes my image of the Cretaceous a much more entertaining place.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Agate Dreams
Agate is a semi-precious stone that comes in all sorts of colors, including swirls of rusty brown and white. Of course, the pattern is never this regular, and so this would be a sort of idealized agate. Perhaps it is what agate would dream of being, when it imagined a perfect form.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Lion Dormant
Heraldry is full of special terminology. In this case, a lion dormant is the name for a lion laying down, one of the rarer ways to see a heraldic lion.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
A bit of green in the shifting sands.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 99332
Drawing Dragons
It is at least partially coincidental that this image uses the same color palette as the other Dragon fractals. The name comes from the kind of triangular shapes in the lower left, which look like a row of dragon heads, being drawn into the center of the vortex.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
The name for the flower-like carvings at the top of Ionic columns, which look a lot like the white areas of this fractal.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 98948
Will'o The Wisp
A corruption of Will with the wisp, a wisp being a torch made of a bundle of hay or straw. The English name for a phenomenon reported in nearly every culture in the world: the Kitsunebi in Asia, Gandaspati in Indonesia, Min-min for the Australian aborigines, Dwaallicht in Dutch, Luz Mala in South America. Generally they lead people into swampy or boggy areas, although sometimes they are reported to lead unwary travellers to other hazardous destinations. The first edge transitions to the next fractal, Anthemion .
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
An excellent example of that kind of flowy thing I was looking for.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Alien Bones
H.P. Lovecraft was one of the first authors to really envision aliens as truly alien, with a form, time scale, an interests completely different from our own. The second question, after, Will we ever find alien life? ought to be Would we know it if we saw it?
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
This Current River
The Current River is a beautiful, clear blue river in Missouri. In this context, it could also be the mainstem river for your stream of consciousness.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 98966
Purple Glissando
Glissando is the name for sliding your fingers down the keys of a piano. The first two edges are morphs to two of my other fractals - and are good examples of exactly what I was looking for.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 98633
Lady Macbeth
Out out, damn spot! This one looks like fine lace stained with red. In addition to the usual edges, this one had a lamb that is identical to it. The lamb is also included below, along with its edges.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Heather In the Mead
Name unabashedly stolen from the Gaia Consort song. I really try hard not to swipe too many of Chris's poetic titles, but this one I couldn't resist.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
Children: 97719 and 97784

Blue Tiger
There's something primal and leaping about this one. And stripey. It also looks vaguely elephantine and Cthuloid, but I like the image of the tiger best.
sheep mpeg
parameter .flame file
edge file
edge file
edge file
Child: 98555